Oswestry Day Centre Organiser

Age UK Shropshire Telford & Wrekin



구인 상세

You will organise a small team of volunteers, give them specific roles and responsibilities help to organise a variety of activities and outings for the members, and offer company and friendship to the members. The role will require you to distribute useful information to the members, keep a record of which volunteers are available each week for the day Centre and ensure that there is a deputy organiser available in your absence. You will help to organise and attend trips and outings for day centre members, assist with record keeping for the day centre and the collection of money from day centre members. Periodically you will be asked to attend Day Centre organisers meetings as you will be the point of contact between Age UK ST&W and the Day Centre.

This is a great role if you are highly organised and like to work in a team. Oswestry day centre is open to members from 10 am to 3pm on Thursdays.

Training will be provided.

You will be fully supported by Age UK staff.

We pay out of pocket expenses.

DBS will be required but we will complete the paperwork for you

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